Thursday, April 29, 2010

Remus Concept

So who the heck are these Remus and Nelson guys anyways? Well today I will talk about Remus. He is a very nice guy, although he doesn't quite look like it at first. He is huge and kind of scary, but he's really just a gentle giant. Unfortunately he isn't very bright either.

Here are some initial sketches of him:
The first sketches were boring since I was still trying to feel this guy out. All I knew is that he was big an dumb. He quickly developed a unibrow, and then things started getting better. Also don't mind Nelson, he snuck in there but I'll talk about him later.

So anyways, I did more sketches:

Now things were getting more interesting. However, after showing these sketches off to some people I was told that I could push my shapes further, especially with the jaw. So I came up with these:

I immediately fell in love with the huge jaw. Definitely a welcome change. I also started playing around with his body type. He is a big guy for sure, but there are different ways to be big. Basically I inverted where most of his mass was, making more of a cone shape.

While I liked that cone shape, it didn't sit well with me. It just didn't feel Remus. He is a big guy, but more specifically, he is a big strong guy. He has power, he has muscle. Still, I liked how his arms got wider as they ran down his body, so I tried that along with broad shoulders.
So I'm definitely digging this design. I am thinking the final will be closer to this than anything. So that's Remus so far. Will this be his final form? Only time will tell.

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